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Telethon 2024: Building treatments, fighting disease!

On 29 and 30 November 2024, the Telethon will shine out across France to support the fight of families and researchers against rare diseases.

Find out more about the ambassador families who will be speaking out on behalf of people with rare diseases, and about Mika, the patron of the event, and the ambassador towns that will be highlighting the efforts of the volunteers involved in the 2024 event.

Telethon 2024 ambassador families

Marley and Mylane, Tim, Sacha, Paul, Félicie : 5 ambassador families will embody, this year, these first great victories against diseases that were once incurable, but also the urgency of those waiting for a cure!

The patron of Telethon 2024

Alongside France Télévisions presenters and surrounded by a host of artists, Mika will use all his talent, sensitivity and energy to support families in their fight against rare diseases.

See you on November 29 and 30, 2024!

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