Educational and training center

  • Summer school of myology 

The Summer School of Myology is aimed primarily at healthcare professionals and scientists from abroad. However, French participants, especially those from overseas collectivities, are not excluded from this course, which has been running since 1998. For four days, around fifty participants follow a condensed programme covering all neuromuscular pathologies in children and adults. This theoretical and practical training is given in English by internationally recognised experts.

The Myology Summer School is also an opportunity to establish collaborations with professionals and teams of doctors and researchers from all over the world, particularly from countries where this new medical and scientific discipline is emerging.

Since 2020, as a result of the pandemic, the Summer School of Myology has been redesigned to become AcadeMYO, a digital version with theory courses and workshops delivered via an online platform.

  • Inter-University Degrees

Degree courses are also organised every year during the academic year, in French.

  • Training in MyoTools and other assessment tools for physiotherapists

The Neuromuscular Physiology and Evaluation Laboratory provides consultancy services to academics and industry, including the design and monitoring of studies (evaluation methods, outcomes, etc.). It also offers training sessions in MyoTools.