Governance and organisation

The Institute of Myology is run by a Board of Directors, a Scientific Advisory Board and an operational management team. In support, the expertise and skills of the members of the coordination contribute to the success of research teams with specific needs. The Institute brings together a large number of specialists in care, clinical and fundamental research.


Board of directors

Laurence Tiennot-Herment

Jacques Salama
Former public works Engineer


Board Members

Scientific Director of AFM-Téléthon
Serge Bromberg
Founder of production company Lobster Films
Christian Cottet
Chairman of the Centre for the Study of Stem Cells (CECS) I-Stem


Marina Granjon
Financing Consultant
Alain Pelc
Former Director of the Statistics and Research Department of a Caisse de Sécurité Sociale


Scientifc Advisory Committee

The Scientific Committee of the Institute of Myology issues an advisory opinion from the Board of Directors who makes decisions regarding the orientation and implementation of scientific projects.

The mission, the composition of the committee and its operating mode are defined by the Board of Directors of the Association. The Scientific Committee meets every two years to assess the scientific projects and the added value of the Institute.


Thierry GALLI (Inserm)
Serge BRAUN (AFM-Téléthon)
Annick CLÉMENT (Sorbonne University)

International Experts

Francesco MUNTONI (University College London)
Shin’ichi TAKEDA (National Center of Neurology an Psychiatry, Tokyo)
Alessandra FERLINI (University of Ferrara)
Peter VAN DEN BERGH (Cliniques universitaires St. Luc, Bruxelles)
Bjarne UDD (Université de Tampere, Finlande)

French Experts

Nathalie CARTIER-LACAVE (Inserm)
Gilles BOUVENOT (HAS Haute Autorité de Santé)
Margaret BUCKINHAM (Institut Pasteur)



Medical and Scientific Director
Bertrand Fontaine
Director of the Myology Research Centre, Head of the Service of Neuro-Myology
Secretary General
Vincent Varlet
Coach and Mentor of the European EIT-Health program, President of the Think-Tank “LeLabEsantĂ©”