300 experts of the Muscle and its disorders within the Institute of Myology are 8 experts clusters, a transversal educational activity and a coordination team who work together to advance Muscle knowledge and fight back disease.
- The Myology Centre for Research directed by Denis Furling, PhD, which brings together 10 scientific teams
- The Neuromuscular Investigation Center directed by Prof. Fabrice Chrétien which encompasses three laboratories and a tissue bank
- I-Motion Pediatric, the pediatric clinical research platform on the site of the Hôpital Trousseau co-directed by Dr Marina Colella, Assistant Director I-Motion Medical Staff Manager and Saadane Kirouani, Assistant Director I-Motion Non-medical Staff Manager
- I-Motion Adults, the adult clinical research platform co-directed by Dr Marina Colella, Assistant Director I-Motion Medical Staff Manager and Saadane Kirouani, Assistant Director I-Motion Non-medical Staff Manager
- The Registers and Databases centre directed by Prof. Karim Wahbi
- The Service of Neuro-Myology directed by Prof. Bertrand Fontaine, main point of the Reference centre for neuromuscular disorders of East of Paris
- The Education centre, which includes the Summer School of Myology
2023 key figures
- 300 experts on muscle and its pathologies
- 36 060 patients records from its inception
- 4 500 neuromuscular consultations for adults, 1 696 psychology consultations and 339 consultations for children
- 1 400 day admissions
- 243 muscular biopsies (including 165 news ones, 41 re-analyzed and 37 studied by electron microscopy)
- 172 international publications
- 20 paedriatric clinical trials, 38 clinical trials in adults and 9 registers and databases
- 32 700 samples samples available for research stored in Myobank, the biological resource bank
- 39 patent families in portfolio