Back to the 26th Journées of the Francophone Society of the Peripheral Nerve

The 26th “Journées of the Francophone Society of the Peripheral Nerve” took place on January 21 & 22, 2022 at the New Cap Event Center in Paris. They brought together 240 participants, health professionals, clinicians, researchers on cross-cutting themes from nerve to muscle.

New therapeutic targets in neuromuscular diseases, and in particular in autoimmune myasthenia gravis for example, occupied an important place in the program of these two days. Experts shed their light during round tables, discussion sessions, symposia and interactive clinical cases were presented.

A session was also organized in partnership with the French Society of Myology (SFM) with a focus on neuromuscular imaging, and damages to the face in neuromuscular diseases, imaging and in particular MRI of muscle, nerve as well as ultrasound of the nerve.

Several clinicians from the Institute took part in the discussions and presented posters with clinical cases on the theme of hereditary neuropathies and on other neuropathies or neuromuscular pathologies, such as:

“Observatoire Nusinsersen: suivi longitudinale de la fonction neuromusculaire d’une cohorte de patients adultes atteints de SMA. Querin G., Masingue M., Villar R., Fernandez de Eulate G., Behin A., Bassez G., Leonard-Louis S.,  Hogrel J., Stojkovic T.”