Motor plate analysis relevant to the diagnosis of seronegative myasthenia

A Japanese team evaluated the value of studying the motor plate in people who were negative for anti-RACh and anti-MuSK antibodies.

  • Twenty people with symptoms suggestive of myasthenia had a neuromuscular biopsy of the biceps brachii.
  • Five people had complement deposition in the motor plate :
    .  four of them also had a decrease in hACR density, comparable to that found in people with anti-hACR positive myasthenia,
    . low-affinity RACh antibodies were found in two of them,
    . all five were considered to have autoimmune myasthenia and were successfully treated as such.
  • The remaining fifteen people had other diagnoses during the ten years of follow-up, apart from one person who developed autoimmune myasthenia three years later.

The authors conclude that motor plate analysis is of diagnostic value in the absence of anti-RACh or anti-MuSK antibodies and, given the invasiveness of muscle biopsy, suggest that low-affinity anti-RACh antibodies should be sought first.


Motor end-plate analysis to diagnose immune-mediated myasthenia gravis in seronegative patients. Nagaoka A, Tsujino A, Shiraishi H et al. J Neurol Sci. 2022 Dec 15;443:120494.