The value of muscle imaging in necrotising autoimmune myopathy

Italian and Spanish researchers have studied muscle imaging by magnetic resonance (MRI) in a particular form of autoimmune myopathy often triggered by statin use (AINM for autoimmune necrotising myopathy).

  • Twenty-two patients diagnosed with AINM took part in the study.
  • Three groups were formed according to the stage at which the MRI was performed (diagnostic or later, with or without treatment).
  • The STIR signal, which usually reflects the degree of inflammation, was much higher than the norm in patients at an early stage, or without treatment.
  • At a later stage, the authors noted a predominance of lesions visible in T1 in the hamstrings, adductor magnus, gluteus minimus and medius and paraspinal muscles.

Muscle MRI is therefore proving to be an interesting tool not only for diagnosing but also for monitoring AINM.


Muscle MRI in immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy (IMNM): implications for clinical management and treatment strategies.Fionda L, Lauletta A, Leonardi L et al. J Neurol. 2022 Nov 3.