The first participant with FSH was included in the REACH phase III trial of losmapimod

The oral drug losmapimod has been shown to slow the progression of facioscapulohumeral myopathy (FSH) in the phase II ReDUX4 trial. The phase III trial of losmapimod will evaluate its safety and efficacy over a 48-week period. The trial is randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled and is expected to enrol 230 adult participants with FSH1 or FSH2 in America and Europe.

In France, the two investigating centres will be:

  •  the Institute of Myology in Paris;
  • hôpital Pasteur 2 in Nice.


Fulcrum Therapeutics Enrolls First Patient in Pivotal Global Phase 3 Clinical Trial of Losmapimod for Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD). Fulcrum Therapeutics, Communiqué de presse du 5 juillet 2022.


On : NCT05397470