Early muscle damage in Glycogenosis type IIIa

Glycogenosis type IIIa is a deficiency in a debranching enzyme. It initially results in hepatic disorders but can classically lead to muscle disorders and increased fatigue from the third decade of life. 

A muscle imaging study, supplemented by a serie of functional tests, was carried out in the United States in 17 sick children and 5 adults. Its results show that: 

  • the muscular damage, objectified in children on functional tests, is much earlier than previously estimated; 
  • it progresses into adulthood, as shown in whole body imaging studies;
  • the deficit predominates in the proximal and axial musculature.


Physical therapy assessment and whole-body magnetic resonance imaging findings in children with glycogen storage disease type IIIa: A clinical study and review of the literature. Paschall A, Khan AA, Enam SF, et al. Mol Genet Metab. 2021 Nov;134(3):223-234.