Interesting genotype-phenotype correlations in a French cohort of patients with neuromuscular disease


While the use of high-throughput sequencing (NGS) for diagnostic purposes is becoming commonplace, the limitations of its performance and the problems associated with the interpretation of certain ambiguous results remain. 

The Montpellier Neuromuscular Reference Centre reports work supported by AFM-Telethon on the difficulties encountered, in real life, in 156 patients affected by a hereditary muscular pathology. All had benefited from the latest algorithms and techniques from NGS. 

  • 74 patients were able to see their genetic anomaly perfectly identified, 
  • in 18 of them, the correlations between clinical picture and NGS data were less clear, one of the pitfalls being intra-familial phenotypic variability.


An Integrated Clinical-Biological Approach to Identify Interindividual Variability and Atypical Phenotype-Genotype Correlations in Myopathies: Experience on A Cohort of 156 Families. Juntas Morales R, Perrin A, Solé G et al. Genes (Basel). 2021 (Juillet). 12(8):1199.