Our science & medical news
RSS feedClinicians and researchers from the Institute at the Journées de neurologie de langue française
The JournĂ©es de neurologie de langue française will be held in Paris from 9 to 12 April 2024. The main aim of these days is to promote and develop neurology in France and other French-speaking countries. The aim is also to encourage exchanges between the various societies and associations concerned with the nervous system. Experts … [Read more]
Atamyo Therapeutics obtains authorisation to launch a gene therapy clinical trial in limb-girdle muscular dystrophy linked to SGCG
Following several proofs of concept, Atamyo Therapeutics, a spin-off from Geenethon, has obtained authorisation to start a new gene therapy trial in patients suffering from limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) R5 linked to SGCG (gamma-sarcoglycanopathy). Its aim is to test the safety, pharmacodynamics and efficacy of ATA-200, a product resulting from the work of Isabelle Richard, … [Read more]
Experts from the institute will present their research findings at Myology 2024
Researchers and clinicians from the Institute of Myology will be presenting their findings at the next international myology congress, Myology 2024, organized by AFM-TĂ©lĂ©thon from April 22 to 25. Over 70 international speakers will take the floor in 23 plenary and parallel sessions and 7 industry symposia, and more than 400 scientific posters will be … [Read more]
Natural history of X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy
X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy (XMEA) is a little-known disease linked to the VMA21 gene. It leads to autophagy failure with progressive vacuolation and atrophy of skeletal muscles. The aim of this retrospective study, conducted by French teams including researchers and clinicians from the Institut de Myologie, was to define the clinical, radiological and natural … [Read more]
Proteomics to help elucidate pathophysiological interactions and associated multisystem dysfunctions
This perspective article, in which researchers from the Institute of Myology took part, addresses the question of how proteomics, a central systems biology technique deeply rooted in the multi-omics field of modern biological research, can help us to better understand the molecular pathogenesis of complex diseases. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an example of a monogenetic … [Read more]
A Marie Sklodowska-Curie European fellowship for Gabriele Ordazzo, postdoc researcher at the Institute
The European Commission has awarded Gabriele Ordazzo, a postdoctoral researcher supervised by Mario Gomes-Pereira (Repeat Expansions & Myotonic Dystrophy team – Gourdon Group), with the prestigious Marie SkĆodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowship. He follows in the footsteps of Fiorella Grandi supervised by Piera Smeriglio (Biotherapies for motor neuron disorders team), who has been awarded the … [Read more]
Engineering muscle for human transplant – Interview with Bruno Cadot
In August 2023, Bruno Cadot won a call for proposals organised by the German National Innovation Fund (SPRIN-D) to finance his innovative project to create a synthetic muscle, combining chemistry and biology. Now that proof of concept has been achieved in mice, the next step is to make the transition to human transplants. Interview with Bruno … [Read more]
The Institute of Myology gives guidelines for physical activity in neuromuscular diseases
In a contribution to MĂ©dicosport-santé© published on the vidal.fr website, researchers and clinicians from the Institute of Myology report on what is known about physical activity in neuromuscular diseases: they have analysed the literature over the last 30 years and give recommendations for training by disease group (muscular dystrophies, idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, metabolic myopathies, mitochondrial … [Read more]
The Institute of Myology, partner in the European Dreams project – Interview with StĂ©phane Vassilopoulos
Dreams (Drug REpurposing and Artificial intelligence for Muscular disorderS) is an innovative project funded under a European call for tenders for 5 years, with the aim of developing an innovative methodology combining AI, stem cells and pharmacological screening to identify treatments for 5 muscular disorders. It is coordinated by Dr Xavier Nissan, Director of Research … [Read more]
A focus on complex cases of autosomal dominant titinopathies
An international consortium of researchers coordinated by a team of geneticists from Montpellier and including researchers and clinicians from the Institute is reporting the clinical and biological data of patients diagnosed with primary titinopathy on the basis of more sophisticated investigations (including the RNA-seq technique): 17 patients corresponding to eight families were included in the … [Read more]