2025, Empowering muscle, fostering hope and health for all!

Dear patients and families,
Dear donors,
Dear partners,


All the teams and staff at the Institute of Myology wish you happiness, success and health in 2025.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to our generous donors who supported us in 2024, a year filled with a rich variety of events and structuring projects, and marked by major scientific and therapeutic advances, as demonstrated by the increase in the number of clinical trials conducted at the Institute – nearly 40 adult trials and 20 paediatric trials underway -, the deployment of new expertise platforms on muscle and cutting-edge technological innovations in imaging, high-profile scientific projects that have won numerous awards…

We have also made significant progress on our Foundation project.

Your unfailing support and renewed confidence are essential if we are to continue and accelerate the research and care activities carried out in the laboratories and various departments of the Institute of Myology.

Our researchers are constantly exploring new avenues to better understand the muscle and develop new diagnostic and therapeutic solutions to combat neuromuscular diseases.

Every single one of your donations allows us to advance in our projects and our scientific and medical advances for the benefit of rare diseases and in the promotion of knowledge about the Muscle and Myology, in order to demonstrate to as many people as possible the public health challenge that the muscle represents!

Each new area of study, research or clinical trial requires a long-term commitment and appropriate resources: tomorrow’s advances depend on today’s cutting-edge research. That’s why it is vital that we keep excellence and innovation at the heart of our missions and collaborations!

I hope that this new year will see new advances in these areas and enable us to complete the projects that are so important to us, especially for patients. 

Together, we are strongly committed to our Ambition for the Myology Foundation!

In the fight against disease, every gesture counts.

Thank you for your unwavering trust and for everything you do for us, and especially WITH US!


To continue to support us > https://ambitionfondationdemyologie.org


Sincerest thanks to each and every one of you


Dr Vincent Varlet, Secretary General of the Institute of Myology
Pr Bertrand Fontaine, Medical and Scientific Director of the Institute of Myology

Pr Fabrice Chrétien, Scientific Strategy Director of the Institute of Myology