Muscle imaging can show lesions in periodic paralysis

Periodic paralysis (PP) is an ultra-rare muscle channelopathy characterized by episodes of transient, sometimes prolonged, motor deficits. British researchers conducted a muscle imaging study of the lower limbs of 45 patients diagnosed with PP:

  • 17 patients had a mutation in a calcium channel gene, 16 in a sodium channel gene and 12 in a potassium channel gene,
  • more than two-thirds had residual muscle weakness, and 20% were wheelchair-bound,
  • Imaging revealed, even in paucisymptomatic patients, fatty infiltration in certain muscles, with a slightly different profile depending on the gene involved.

Although correlations between these images and other clinical parameters are tenuous, they will be useful in future therapeutic trials.


Muscle MRI in periodic paralysis shows myopathy is common and correlates with intramuscular fat accumulation. Vivekanandam V, Seutterlin K, Matthews E et al. Muscle Nerve. 2023 Juil.