The presence of fever increases the risk of serious respiratory complications in inflammatory myopathies

Chinese researchers analyzed a series of 79 patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, distinguishing between those with prolonged fever at the initial stage of their disease and those who remained apyretic:

  • in the febrile group, there was a higher frequency of cutaneous signs (mechanic’s hand) and respiratory complications (acute interstitial lung disease), all occurring in patients who were older on average,
  • biological markers of inflammation were more frequently present,
  • mortality, despite more aggressive therapeutic protocols, was significantly higher in this group.

Fever at the onset of the disease would therefore represent a poor prognostic factor in myositis.


Fever in the initial stage of IIM patients : an early clinical warning sign for AE-ILD. Liu T, Chen H, Shi Y, et al. Adv Rheumatol. 2023 Jul 13; 63(1):31.