A plea for less invasive muscle biopsy techniques

Australian researchers reviewed the medical literature on the practice of muscle biopsy. In particular, their interest and performance at the diagnostic level were studied, as well as the rate of complications inherent to this invasive procedure.

  • 66 published studies were included in the review.
  • 60%  of the studies reported general anesthesia prior to open muscle biopsy.
  • percutaneous biopsy using a trocar or conchotome-type forceps appears to have equivalent diagnostic yield to open surgical biopsy but with significantly fewer complications, particularly those related to scarring.

Based on the results, the authors argue for the use of these less invasive procedures.


Muscle biopsy practices in the evaluation of neuromuscular disease: A systematic literature review. Ross L, McKelvie P, Reardon K et al. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2023 Fev.