A novel method to treat recurrent pneumothorax in Ullrich myopathy

American authors report the case of a 19-year-old patient suffering from Ullrich myopathy (collagen VI deficiency) since childhood and who presented a recurrent pneumothorax in a context of long-term non-invasive ventilation.

  • This complication of barotraumatic origin seems quite frequent in this type of myopathy.
  • A conventional treatment with a flexible catheter having proved unsuccessful in the patient, an injection of autologous blood with a drain in the residual pleural cavity allowed a return to normal after the second injection.
  • After 14 months, no recurrence was reported.

This procedure could be an alternative to surgery to attach the lung to the thoracic pleura, a technique often contraindicated in patients with this type of myopathy.


The Use of Autologous Blood Patch in Ullrich Muscular Dystrophy and Recurrent Pneumothorax. Navas Nazario A, Cooper FI, Weber-Guzman F, et al. Cureus. 2022 Jun 15;14(6):e25961.