CMT: greater pain after the first confinement

The management of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is essentially based on orthopedic rehabilitation. Due to restrictive measures linked to the COVID 19 pandemic, many patients had to interrupt shut down their treatment activities and reduce their hikes during the first confinement. 

An online survey of 279 CMT patients by Italian researchers published in November 2020 shows that they felt more pain after confinement than before and were more afraid of falling when walking.

A survey carried out by the CMT-France association and the results of which were available on the French Rare Health Care for Neuromuscular Diseases Network (Filnemus) website (in the form of a video in French) confirms this trend: out of 610 participants, more than 250 complained of an increase in pain and / or fatigue. after confinement. In order to limit these adverse effects, it is important to recommend that people with CMT remain active during confinement and resume their usual physical activities afterwards. The Filnemus network has developed information and advice for patients, which is published on its website (in French).


Validation of a new hand function outcome measure in individuals with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Prada V, Robbiano G, Mennella G, Hamedani M, Bellone E, Grandis M, Schenone A, Zuccarino R. J Peripher Nerv Syst. 2020 Nov