Etienne Klein at the Institute’s Ethics Meetings – 25th September

Affiche de la Rencontre d'Ethique Institut de Myologie du 25sept18As part of the Institute of Myology’s Ethics Meetings,
the Think Tank in Applied Ethics presents:


“Do our discussions about innovation
do justice to the idea of progress?”



Speaker, Etienne Klein
Research Director at the CEA and
Doctor of Philosophy of Science



Discussant, Yves Agid
Neurologist, University Professor,
Hospital practitioner at la Pitié-Salpêtrière


Tuesday, September 25, 2018, 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm

Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière
Institute of Myology
Pavillon Babinski




As the efficacy of new techniques in cell therapy, genomics, biotechnological engineering or artificial intelligence is being demonstrated within our institute, it is important to redefine the notion of progress and to question its necessity: which progress, for whom and under which circumstances. In our scientific and medical environment, the obligation to innovate is necessary both to break with traditional approaches to medicine and the life sciences that underlie them but also to respond to the current political discourse pressure. Clarification on this concept of progress and its perspective, in our professional context and in general, our epoch, is of utmost interest to reflect on our future as researchers, clinicians, engineers and citizens.

Organisation : Nadine Le Forestier, Marcela Garguilo, France Leturcq, Claire-Cecile Michon, Pascale Richard, Marianne Perreau-Saussine, Anthony Behin, Nicolas Vignier


Learn more about Etienne Klein here and there (in french)

Learn more about Yves Agid here (in french)