Treating dermatomyositis with ruxolitinib

A French team has confirmed the link between the activation of interferon 1 (IFN) and the onset of dermatomyositis, and have demonstrated the efficacy of an interferon 1 inhibitor in 4 people with this disease.

People with dermatomyositis have abnormal levels of IFN in the blood and muscles. A link between the activation of IFN and dermatomyositis has already been identified, but its exact mechanism is unclear.

In an article published in June 2018, a French team, supported by the AFM-Telethon, showed that the activation of IFN in muscle or skin cell cultures reproduced the main characteristics of dermatomyositis, such as muscle atrophy or skin lesions. Treatment with ruxolitinib, a compound already used in the treatment of lupus erythematosus (another autoimmune disease), inhibits the pathogenic effects of IFN-I in the cellular models studied.

The administration of ruxolitinib for 3 months to 4 people with refractory dermatomyositis led to rapid clinical improvement: decreased skin lesions and improved muscle strength.


Ladislau L, Suárez-Calvet X, Toquet S, Landon-Cardinal O, Amelin D, Depp M, Rodero MP, Hathazi D, Duffy D, Bondet V, Preusse C, Bienvenu B, Rozenberg F, Roos A, Benjamim CF, Gallardo E, Illa I, Mouly V, Stenzel W, Butler-Browne G, Benveniste O, Allenbach Y. JAK inhibitor improves type I interferon induced damage: proof of concept in dermatomyositis. Brain. 2018 Jun 1;141(6):1609-1621.