Significant clinical variability in motor function in early-onset FSHD


This study investigated motor function associations with age, sex, and D4Z4 repeats among participants with early-onset facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) type 1 as defined by weakness onset before 10 years of age. Among 52 participants (60% female, mean age 22.9 ± 14.7 years), weakness was most pronounced in the shoulder and abdominal musculature. Older enrolment age was associated with greater CSSs (p = 0.003). When adjusted for enrolment age, sex, and D4Z4 repeats, younger age at onset of facial weakness was associated with greater CSSs, slower velocities in timed function tests, and lower MMT scores (p < 0.05). The authors conclude that earlier age at onset of facial weakness was associated with greater disease severity.

Mah JK, Feng J, Jacobs MB, et al. A multinational study on motor function in early-onset FSHD. Neurology. 2018 Apr 10;90(15):e1333-e1338.