A meta-analysis confirms the increase of 10 years in life expectancy in DMD

A team of British and Swedish researchers calculated the life expectancy of persons with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) from individual survival data extracted from survival curves published up to July 2020.

The systematic bibliographic search identified 14 publications that gathered data from 2283 patients with DMD, including 1409 deceased, from North and South America, Europe and Asia.

  • The overall median life expectancy was 22 years.
  • It was :
    > 18.3 years for those born before 1970,
    > 24 years old for those born between 1970 and 1990,
    > 28.1 years for those born after 1990.

This study confirms the longer life expectancy, already demonstrated by a 2020 literature review, which found a life expectancy of 29.9 years in DMD patients on assisted ventilation.


Life Expectancy in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Reproduced Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis. Broomfield J, Hill M, Guglieri M, Crowther M, Abrams K. Neurology. 2021 Dec 7;97(23):e2304-e2314.